Elmer Clive Diefenbaker signature, part II
A few months ago, I came across a generic Brownline hotel ledger from Country Side Antiques and asked to examine it further. It wasn’t long before I stumbled across a signature in ink, writ in a confident, beautiful copperplate hand.
After being in contact with a certain historical centre and the University of Saskatchewan, I got further proof by way of another document signed by the same person to back up my original guess.
Short of having a graphologist examine the signature, it’s safe to say that on May 28, 1963, somewhere in a small hotel or motel located in one of the prairie provinces, Elmer Clive Diefenbaker stopped in for the night.
For most Canadians, the name Diefenbaker conjures up John G. Diefenbaker, Canada’s Prime Minister during the Cold War years of 1957-1963. Diefenbaker grew up in Saskatchewan, and his staunchest supporter was his brother Elmer. Best friends as well as brothers, Elmer was essentially John’s right-hand man.

I contacted the Diefenbaker Canada Centre, located in Saskatoon, who in turn forwarded me to the USask Archives which collects and houses ephemera related to the Diefenbakers. Sadly, the librarian in charge of Special Collections chose to pass on purchasing the ledger.
I think it likely that the ledger contains names of other prominent figures in Saskatchewan’s history. Some guest names certainly reoccur on a regular basis, and about 95% of the towns and cities listed are in Saskatchewan. So, if you’re a political history buff with an interest in items like this ledger, feel free to contact me via the form here on the site.
That’s all for now folks, stay safe!